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WRPA’s day at the zoo

Welsh Rugby Players Association members and their families yesterday, Tuesday 26th May, enjoyed a day at the zoo as part of our Lockdown webinar series #WRPALocker.

The virtual tour, organised as part of the educational webinar series, gave members and their families an opportunity to enjoy a VIP virtual tour of Swansea’s tropical zoo Plantasia.

Members enjoyed Plantasia’s exclusive premier of their Deadly Dozen, presented by General Manager Anthony Williams and Zoo Keeper Mike Colwill.

As well as being introduced to the collections most deadly species participants had an opportunity to learn key facts about each animal and ask questions as they virtually wandered through the tropical rainforest!

The educational tour saw viewers meet Plantasia’s Mexican red knee spider, giant African land snail, an emperor scorpion and a pair of axolott!

From red bellied piranha, Clyde the Burmese python, caiman crocodiles, leopard cats to a bearded dragon, it was a fascinating world of discovery!

The star of the show, insistent on nattering away in the background as we meandered through the rainforest, was Rainbow the Macaw Parrot!

In true live TV style Rainbow was silent and somewhat camera shy as soon as the spotlight was turned on her!

Plantasia is no different to many businesses in the UK, where the Covid-19 pandemic has created many challenges.

As a Zoo their income is derived from the many visitors that come through the door each day. Forced to close in March their income disappeared but the work did not stop. Plantasia’s amazing specialist team are still caring for and feeding over 100 animals on site, and like all Zoos in the country need to pay for food, heating and veterinary care.

It's for these reasons they need your help. If you feel that you’re able to support please visit their website to see the many ways in which you can do so.


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Office 5D,

Quest House, 

St Mellons Business Park, 

Fortran Road,




Gareth Lewis - CEO





©2020 WRPA

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